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Sunday, 27 December 2015

General Officer Commanding’s Christmas and End–Of–Year Goodwill Message

 General Officer Commanding’s Christmas and End–Of–Year Goodwill Message

GOC, Brigadier General JA Boampong.

1.    Once again, a full year is coming to a successful end by divine providence.  As we prepare to celebrate yet another yuletide and welcome a New Year, we owe a debt of gratitude and appreciation to our Maker for His bounteous grace that has taken us through another eventful year.  I wish to extend my warmest felicitations and best wishes of joy, peace and goodwill to all ranks, civilian employees and families of the Central/Northern Commands.

2.    Christmas being the end of a period, offers us the opportunity to take stock of our past achievements and challenges and make projections for the future.  Our participation in Op CALMLIFE contributed in maintaining an appreciable level of security in the cities and towns within our AOR.  Our efforts in other operations including Op HALT I & II, Op SAFE, Op SITDOWN LOOK, Op GONGONG and Op SILVERSTAR have made positive impacts on national security. I wish to commend all troops for your loyalty, vigilance, integrity and professionalism that has enabled us to maintain the much needed peace and security within and along the borders of our dear country.  I also commend our dear wives for their dedication, support and hard work in keeping our homes whiles we were out on operations.

3.    Despite the financial and logistics constraints, the Command made positive efforts in training personnel to meet the required operational standards. This year, the Command participated effectively in Ex TIGER’S PATH and Army Inter-Formation Sports Competition.  We contributed about 60% of the total Army team for the Inter-Service Sports Competition.  Our Civil-Military relation has also been commendable.  Issues of abuse of human rights should be resisted and relegated to the background even in the face of extreme provocations.

4.    As we enter the New Year, challenges should be expected along the way.  The up-coming retirement of the 1990 Year Group in March next year, will leave a human resource gap, which must be quickly filled.  It behoves on all personnel to prepare and psyche yourselves appropriately for the task ahead.  For those of you who may find yourselves in leadership roles, endeavour to develop yourselves to fill the gap and live up to expectation.  Again, election 2016 will be a major challenge in 2016.  It is the time where our integrity and professionalism will be put to the test.  I entreat all personnel under Command to carry out their duties during the elections with extreme caution, integrity and high level of professionalism to hold in high esteem our heritage as a professional Army.

5.    While we celebrate Christmas and New Year let us continue to be vigilant, alert and alive to our responsibilities.  It is only through this that our country can develop in peace, devoid of fear and uncertainties.  Let us also spare a thought for our comrades-in-arms who paid the ultimate price with their lives in the line of duty.  We honour their memory and pray that their families left behind may find the strength and fortitude to continue their good works.  In the spirit of comradeship, I entreat all ranks to extend a special hand of goodwill to the families of our departed colleagues during this festive season.  

6.    Ayekoo for a good job done in 2015, my expectation is that the year 2016 will bring all of us good tidings and hope for the better future.  Let me take this opportunity to wish all Officers, Men, Women, Civilian Employees and Families of the Spears Fraternity, a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.  May the good Lord bless us all.          


JA BOAMPONG                                  

Brigadier General

General Officer Commanding

Source: Ghana Armed Forces

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1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you all that are interested in Armed Forces and its related. I hope this year will be a year of favour and abundant grace for you and may all your wished come true.
    Always keep this web as your daily journal with regular updated contents from Armed Force.
    Thank You!
